Thursday, December 1, 2022

Are your expectations too low?

Recently, an ignorant relative of mine made an interesting comment to my mother. She said it was too bad that I never 'made anything out of' my life. I thought that was rather strange, considering I had published 17 books, worked at various jobs, lived in different provinces, and managed to get through life without being arrested, going bankrupt, or becoming an addict. But I quickly realized that she meant that I hadn't gotten married or had kids. Then I remembered how, upon my return to my home province, she was desperately trying to set me up with a random man, even before my foot touched the soil. I thought it was bizarre at the time but later realized that it was because having any man was better than me walking around being single. 

And unfortunately, the longer I live here, the more I feel like that's the case with many things. It doesn't matter if you're talking about jobs, homes, friendships, relationships (apparently), or even businesses. The mentality seems to be that you take what you get and shut up. Take the crumbs thrown your way and be happy. I guess that's why I see so many people who aren't happy and have no intention of extending themselves to do more, be more or have more, and to me, that's sad. 

I'm not saying everyone needs to be rich, married to someone perfect, love their job every second of the day, and live in a mansion. I'm merely saying that it's ok to want more than the crumbs. Although, it appears that in some places, it's ingrained into people's heads that to wish for more is somehow thinking you're too big for your britches. Take what you got and shut the fuck up.

People should know they have value. When people don't think they have value, they take the shit thrown at them and ask for more. This tends to work well for everyone else around you, but maybe not you. And over time, it does wear you down. 

I think 2023 needs to be when people raise their expectations for themselves and others. If you settle, it means you feel powerless, and it's never you who benefits from feeling this way, but it sure makes other people's lives easier.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Does music still have passion?

When I was growing up, music was my life. I think I'm probably in the majority with that statement, but as time moves forward, my relationship with music has changed. I still love the songs I grew up with, the music from high school, and the dance music I associate with my clubbing days, but has anything captured me lately? Am I just getting old, or has the music industry changed?

I notice a common trend for musicians to take a song from 10, 20, or even 30 years ago and make it their own. I'm disappointed when strong songs, which the writer put their heart into, are watered down. It's almost as if all the passion is sucked out of the music, and it just falls flat. I don't want to get into any specific examples, but I'm noticing it more and more. I can't think of the last time I said, "Wow, that's a great remake of that song!" Usually, I'm too busy cringing.

Again, it could be because I'm too old, or maybe bland music reflects our times. Then again, maybe, it's just the music I'm exposed to that's that seems mind-numbing and generic. After all, record labels are going to push what they think they can make money on; they don't particularly care about originality or even talent anymore. And that's not to say there isn't talent out there, but it almost feels like the music that gets the most attention seems to fall flat. 

And again, what do I know? I always followed music trends and what was popular, but I've lost interest in recent years. Most of the music I was hearing wasn't capturing my attention. It seems to have no soul. Then again, maybe I need more exposure to independent music. If you're an indie musician (or know one) who writes music with soul, passion, and with a message, please feel free to post the link below. We need to get this music out.